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Morgan D. King, Esq.
Morgan King, Esq.
925 829-6363
925 829-6460
925 336-9438 (cell)

For tax opinion or services
The information submitted on this site
will not be disclosed to any person not associated with The Morgan King Co., or Morgan King, Esq. There is no charge for filling out a form and submitting it online.
These forms are required only if you have retained Mr. King's office, or are inquiring about Mr. King's help, to assist you as a taxpayer, or your client if you are a tax professional.
If Mr. King is retained to analyze taxes for bankruptcy discharge or a non-bankruptcy solution, or requested to associate on a case, it will help considerably if you open and complete:
Form No. 2, and No. 4a. If you submit Form No. 2 Request For a Tax Opinion you will be advised as to which other forms we will need, and the estimated fee.
Fill out the applicable forms online and "submit." They will be delivered to our office e-mail.
There is no charge for filling out a form and submitting it online. There is only a charge if we perform actual services, such as research, opinions, analysis, representation of taxpayer, and etc.
1. KING'S FORM # 1 Make a Payment
2. KING'S FORM # 2 Request for opinion or services
3a. KING'S FORM # 3a Retainer agreement
3b. KING'S FORM # 3b Taxpayer I.D.
4a. KING'S FORM # 4a Tax History
4b. KING'S FORM # 4b Innocent Spouse information
5a. KING'S FORM # 5a Personal budget
5b. KING'S FORM # 5b Personal expenses
6. KING'S FORM # 6 Asset checklist
7. KING'S FORM # 7 Disclosure forms
8. KING'S FORM # 8 Cal. Sales Tax History
10. CAL FORM # POA FTB [Form 3520-PIT)
11. CAL FORM # 4905 OIC FORM
12. IRS FORM # 2848 Power of Attorney - Jan 2021
13. IRS FORM 12153 Collection Due Process petition
14. IRS FORM # 656-PPV IRS Payment Voucher
15. IRS FORM # 8821 Authorize release of info - 2021
15b IRS info on Form 8821
16. IRS FORM # 656 - OIC - individual
17. IRS FOTRM # 433-A Collection Information Statement
18. IRS FORM # 433-B - OIC Business
19. IRS FORM # 9465 Installment agreement request
20. IRS FORM # 433-D Installment agreement financials
21. IRS FORM 8379 Innocent Spouse application - fill in
22. IRS FORM 8379 Innocent Spouse application - reg.
23. TAX COURT FORM #2 Petition
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