Morgan D. King, Esq.
Morgan King, Esq.
925 829-6363
925 829-6460
925 336-9438 (cell)

These are case-handling checklists
created by Morgan King for handling consumer bankruptcy cases
On thumb-drive:
19 Checklists
3 charts
61 pages
Hundreds of questions to ask the client and tasks to do - both client and attorney
Arranged in order from start to finish of the case
XLIST # 1 Pre-case preparation
XLIST # 2 Initial client interview
XLIST # 3 Documents to get from client
XLIST # 4 Documents to file
XLIST # 5 Post-petition tasks & deadlines
XLIST # 6 Debtor's post-petition duties
XLIST # 7 Duties of a Debt Relief Agency
XLIST # 8 Lookback periods
XLIST # 9 Motions
XLIST # 10 Grounds for dismissal
XLIST # 11 Certifications required
XLIST # 12 Traps For The Unwary
XLIST # 13 Personal assets
XLIST # 14 Personal debts
XLIST # 15 Business assets
XLIST # 16 Business debts
XLIST # 17 Income sources
XLIST # 18 Mid-Case Review
XLIST # 19 Case Closing Checklist