Morgan D. King, Esq.
Morgan King, Esq.
925 829-6363
925 829-6460
925 336-9438 (cell)

Combination Course & Book $ 249.99
Course by itself only $ 199.99
e-Book by itself only $ 99.99
√ Recorded course 7.5 HOUR IN 3 SESSIONS
√ Includes e-book, King's Discharging Taxes In Consumer -
Bankruptcy Cases $ 199.99 until Dec. 31
√ AND 1 hour personal mentoring
and the BOOK
from $ 249.99
$ 199.99
until Dec. 31
in Consumer & Small Business Cases
Federal & state income, sales, and trust-fund taxes
Morgan King & NACTT Academy
Instructor - Morgan King -
the "Guru" of Tax Discharge"
"A TITAN in his field." - Phil Rosenthal, CEO FastCase
Co-hosted by the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees Academy (NACTT)
The course is comprised of 7.5 hours of web instruction in 3 sessions ea.
Add Morgan King's Book in hard copy,
Kings Discharging Taxes in Consumer Bankruptcy
Add $125.00 (reg. $189.95)
Add Optional grading - see About Grading below
If you handle bankruptcy cases with back taxes owed we highly recommend that you take this course!
This is a practical and thorough course of instruction on handling consumer and small business delinquent tax bankruptcy cases with, checklists, video, links to important resources etc.
Other remedies are addressed as well, including offers-in-compromise and Collection Due Process appeals.
The course assumes experience handling consumer bankruptcy cases. No particular knowledge or experience with tax or tax discharge law is required
Law firm packages
(925) 829-6460
Kelly Finley Nebiolini Esq. says
"Morgan King's Bankruptcy Academy offers an absolutely superb bankruptcy course that is second to none. Morgan explains bankruptcy in a detailed concise format that is easily understandable. As an attorney, I deeply appreciate Morgan's years of experience and professionalism, which allows him to fully articulate the nuts and bolts of a Bankruptcy practice. Morgan's course is vital for every bankruptcy attorney who aspires to be the best in his/her field."
Rebecca Watters, paralegal, says
"Now I can use these deadlines in everyday practice and understand what it means to file before the automatic stay runs out etc without looking like a deer in the headlights."
Jennifer Filla Esq., says
"I feel so much more confident about taking on bankruptcy cases than before I started the course!"
Gerald E. Roque says
"Without a doubt the most useful legal course I have taken. Find that I am still a bit overwhelmed, difference is I know what needs to get done and in what order. I am very appreciative of the response to my questions and issues along the way. Well done Mr. King."
Michael Alfano, Esq.
"Outstanding! There are no other courses like this out there!"
" ... I am really enjoying the course and wish I would have spent the money on this two years ago when I started rather than various other courses I wasted my money on."
Chandra Apperson, Esq.
Monterey, CA
"Outstanding! Content - great! Visuals are outstanding!
Test is good learning device for recall."
Carol Cross Stone Esq.
Long View, TX
"My firm, consisting of myself and my paralegal, decided to do bankruptcies when it became clear that there was a pressing need that was not being served in our community.
We bought the software and read the books, but then we got our first clients and we went to fill out the petitions and we were lost.
Your class saved the day! We filed our first case ever today, a fairly complicated 13, and we did so with confidence thanks to the knowledge we gained from the Bankruptcy Academy. Your classes took the complicated mass of bankruptcy law and broke it down into manageable chunks."
Thank you very much,
Justin Kallal, Jackson, WY
Otis Landerholm, Esq. says
Outstanding! This has been the most comprehensive intoduction to all aspects of bankruptcy that I have encounered.
- Daniel Liss, Esq. says
I highly recommend this course for any attorney new to consumer bankruptcy law. Prior to taking this course, I had no knowledge of bankruptcy law and practice. After completing this course, I now have the confidence and knowledge to handle a bankruptcy case. The checklists and traps for the unwary are invaluable.
- Michele Ackman Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant says
This course definitely met my expectations and allowed me the opportunity to learn about the many facets of bankruptcy. The classes were very thorough and informative. I would highly recommend this course!"
- Andie Ross says
"You have a very unique program - the content, the platform, and the materials. I also found Mr. King to be very engaging ... "
Livingston, NJ
"Outstanding! There are no other courses like this out there!"
Michael Alfano, Esq.
Exeter NH
"The course has been outstanding and indispensable to help me navigate this minefield and build that confidence. The hands-on war stories are priceless life experience that provide great guidance!"
Michael Levine, Esq.
San Diego, CA
" ... I am really enjoying the course and wish I would have spent the money on this two years ago when I started rather than various other courses I wasted my money on."
Chandra Apperson, Esq.
Monterey, CA
"I commend you on a very worthwhile program in a logical and entertaining manner. In particular I was very impressed with th information you provided concerning tax transcripts and the tips concerning handling taxes in chapter 13.
Attorney Rice Burns, Burns & Taylor,
Sikeston, MO
"I like this course! Keep up the good work!
Mark Barnett, Attorney
Mansfield, MA
"Outstanding! Content - great! Visuals are outstanding! Test is good learning device for recall."
Carol Cross Stone Esq.
Long View, TX
"My firm, consisting of myself and my paralegal, decided to do bankruptcies when it became clear that there was a pressing need that was not being served in our community.
"We bought the software and read the books, but then we got our first clients and we went to fill out the petitions and we were lost.
"Your class saved the day! We filed our first case ever today, a fairly complicated 13, and we did so with confidence thanks to the knowledge we gained from the Bankruptcy Academy. Your classes took the complicated mass of bankruptcy law and broke it down into manageable chunks."
"Thank you very much,
- Justin Kallal
Jackson, WY
"The materials and videos I have accessed, thus far, are very good. Every piece of information has been content rich, easy to understand and has allowed me to take the information and apply it to the bankruptcy petitions I am working on right now.
"Understanding the law behind the Bankruptcy Code rules and regulations make a huge difference when preparing petitions. Having the outlines and the practical examples, which take yo u through each schedule step-by-step, has been invaluable.
"I'm stressed because there is lot's I have yet to learn but the course materials have made my life easier. I really want to get to the hands-on videos.
"Jeannie, you did a GREAT JOB putting the course material together with Attorney King. I am so proud of you! I have recommended this course to several other VBA's I have spoken with."
Vivian Little
Certified Bankruptcy Assistant
1st Choice Bankruptcy Petitions
Chicago, IL
"Compared to the various seminars / webinars offered by other organizations, the price is a bargain for the large number of hours of training and the additional resources. No matter how you look at it, 12 hours is a lot of training."
Louise Hurwitz,
Accurate Bankruptcy Petitions
Certified NSVBA
Stuart, FL
"I like your courses so much I'm thinking of signing up all my company's staff for the group class."
Yordi Fraser,
Certified Paralegal
Stamford, CT
"I found the first course very helpful. Although I am not the attorney, I am to be taking on a larger role of managing the BK division at the law firm and due to the number of clients I see on a daily basis, this is something that I find helpful."
Rob, with Sobti Law Group,
Beaumont, Orange, and Corona, CA
"This is a wonderful course!"
Arthur W. Chettle
San Diego, CA
"It's been a great learning experience! Also, I'm excited about registering for your tax course!"
Armando Montalvo, Montalvo Law,
Miami, FL
"The course has exceeded my expectations so far!!! I already told another attorney about the course."
Yordi Fraser,
Stamford, CT
"Just finished the first three hours of your on-line course "Discharging Taxes In Bankruptcy." Also, I finished the first hour of the Certification course.
"I am extremely pleased with the content of the course and the way you have presented it. The detailed analysis that you provided in the Discharging Taxes course was absolutely outstanding!! The visual aids were well constructed and very helpful. Next year I will be teaching a course on " Tax Aspects of Bankruptcy" and I intend to use your course and materials for 20 to 25% of this new course that I will be teaching here at the UMKC law school.
"I intend to spread the word about the Bankruptcy Academy. I find the content to be invaluable---it is as must for those who intend to practice in this area.
Professor Ed Hood
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
"Consumer bankruptcy lawyers all know Morgan King and his Bankruptcy Academy. For years, Morgan has honed his knowledge of discharging taxes in bankruptcy - and his studies have paid off. Morgan's not only one of the smartest tax/bankruptcy guys out there, but he's an incredible teacher. If you've heard him speak at the NACBA conferences you already know what I'm talking about.
Bankruptcy attorney Jay Fleischman
Brooklyn, NY
This is a must program! In fact, it was so good I'm seeing it again!
Bankruptcy attorney Antonio Villeda, McAllen,Texas
Both Amy and I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar. It's the only one I've found that actually allows me to learn something in my chosen field.
Bankruptcy attorneys N. D., Deininger & Wingfield, P.A., Little Rock, Arkansas
I thought I knew the subject. But when I took the Academy I realized how superficial my understanding had been. I left with a new confidence and a new competence I could not have gotten anywhere else.
Bankruptcy attorney Marlow Preston, Austin, Texas
I appreciate the invaluable information you have given other attorneys. As a small (2 person office) it is very difficult to venture outside your comfort zone of area of practice. I cannot thank you enough.
Bankruptcy attorney Bob Ellis, Columbus Ohio
It was great! I took both factual information and a real sense of confidence from the week. If you plan any seminars regarding other topics, I will be there.
Bankruptcy attorney Brian Zeiden, Los Angeles, California
This course is a MUST for consumer bankruptcy practitioners. Morgan and his expert speakers and the materials presented, provide excellent guidance and hands-on practical tips and advice that are immediately useful.
Ellen Stone, Managing Attorney, Law Offices of John Ventura, Brownsville, Texas
I have not seen anyone that provides more information and expertise than you. I am always very impressed with the extent of work, energy and expertise you bring to your seminars.
Bankruptcy attorney Marguerite Kirk, Bedford, TX
. . . the course was excellent and would take it again and bring my associate. Of course we would prefer to have it in the East, but I did enjoy San Francisco and the restaurant that you recommended.
Bankruptcy attorney Donald G. Koch, New York, NY.
I really enjoyed the program. I learned some new things and it reinforced what I had already learned from your web-site. One thing I'm excited about is that it opened up a prospective market for me that I had not yet recognized. I plan to market my services as a consultant to tax and bankruptcy attorneys in my state. Reading transcripts can be quite complicated for the inexperienced and preparing delinquent returns may sometimes be needed. With your book as a reference I will feel comfortable and conversant when speaking to other professionals.
Thanks for doing what you do. There's a tremendous need for it. I know of several atty's in my area who don't know (enough) about tax discharge. More EA's who practice representation need this knowledge as well. Our clients aren't effectively served if we don't present all their options....and know a bad attorney when we see one.
I really enjoyed the program. I learned some new things and it reinforced what I had already learned from your web-site. One thing I'm excited about is that it opened up a prospective market for me that I had not yet recognized. I plan to market my services as a consultant to tax and bankruptcy attorneys in my state. Reading transcripts can be quite complicated for the inexperienced and preparing delinquent returns may sometimes be needed. With your book as a reference I will feel comfortable and conversant when speaking to other professionals.
Enrolled Agent Lisa Sexton, Carlsbad NM
I just wanted to let you know that I thought your BK academy was terrific and very informative.
Bankruptcy attorney Martin A. Berger, Hilo, HI
I love your programs. Thanks for supporting the Debtors' bar over the years.
Bankruptcy attorney Steve Berken, Denver, CO
I've enjoyed being in your seminars in the past and have used the valuable knowledge you've imparted from them both in my everyday work and in the books I've contributed ...
Allan Rosenthal, paralegal, San Francisco CA
"Kings Guide to BAPCPA has proven itself to be the most valuable resource in the office. Although I have taken 4 CLE courses to prep. for 10/17/05 and its aftermath,the book anticipated many of the rulings now coming down." - William Wolfson, Flemington, NJ
"Your materials are essential to the practice of bankruptcy law under BAPCPA." - Robert W. Raley, Bossier City, LA
"I recommend your book to everyone. It is amazing what you have put in it!" - John Bates, New Philadelphia, OH
"I can say that I have seen no other text on the new bankruptcy law that remotely comes close to yours in usability for bankruptcy practitioners." - Gary R. Fraley, Sacramento, California
Morgan has been the intellectual father of our arguments for changes to our fee structure down here in NDGa. We made the original arguments back in 2002 (can you believe it!) and after all this time we finally got the Judges to see things our way. I cannot say enough about Morgan - he is always way out ahead of matters and always in there fighting for us (everything he writes and does has a certain swagger and attitude about it - we like that in a consumer BK attorney, y'know!) Our thanks to Morgan for his past and continuing efforts. - Milton Jones, Milton D. Jones and Associates, Morrow, GA
A. Discharging federal income taxes, interest and penalties in consumer bankruptcy - Personal income taxes
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 13
- Emerging issues
- Tolling events
- Tolling the 2 - year rule
- The McCoy problem
- What is an "equivalent report or notice"?
- Penalties
B. Using Tax Transcripts
- Kinds of transcripts
- How to get them
- The IRS Priority Hotline
- Transaction codes, etc.
- Red flags on the transcript
- Freedom of Information Act
C. Discharging state income taxes, sales & excise taxes, E.D.D. taxes, interest and penalties -
- Income taxes
- Sales & excise taxes
- E.D.D. taxes
- 941, 940 red flags
D. Handling a Tax Discharge Case
- Using checklists
- Dealing with clients
- Dealing with the IRS
- Getting help
E. Survey of Other Remedies For Delinquent Taxes
- Offers in Compromise
- Innocent Spouse
- Collection Due Process appeals