Morgan D. King, Esq.
Morgan King, Esq.
925 829-6363
925 829-6460
925 336-9438 (cell)

Morgan, I just want you to know that you are a hero to those of us in the trenches in bankruptcy work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, analysis and experience!
- Richard Pettys, Jr., J.D.
Woodstock, Georgia
I'm a big fan of yours and have two of your books--a little outdated. You have done so much to educate the BK/Tax bar!
- Michael K. Mehr, Esq. Santa Cruz, CA Feb. 14 2018
Morgan, Your work is GREAT!
- Richard I. Isacoff, J.D. , Western New England University School of Law (N.Y.)
King Bankruptcy Books provides some of the most trusted and unique content in the consumer bankruptcy market. He is a TITAN in his field.
- Phil Rosenthal, CEO, FastCase.
Mr. King is the pre-eminent authority in the bankruptcy community ...
- Robert Sampson, Director of Customer Service, Pitbulltax
When I'm reading King's book on discharging taxes I feel like the Burning Bush is speaking to me.
- Kelly Nebiolini, Esq. Oakdale, CA
The book is wonderful! Great stuff ... perfect format! -
Roberto Rivera, paralegal, Cinneminson, NJ
I have purchased other books from you - - - including Discharging Taxes and McGoldrick's Chapter 11 - - - These are my bible - - - both old and new testaments!" -
Patrick Greenwell, Esq. Sonoma, CA
I LOVE Mr. King's website and all of the books and seminars he offers. We can't wait to order more. You're in the monthly budget!
- Kathleen M. Roberts, Paralegal, Palm City, FLA
Your publication is considered the most authoritative by people I know in the business.
- Ryan Davies, Esq. Lake Forest, CA
The King expertise has saved many a bankruptcy attorney from going nuts. I handle only small business and tax cases have 25 plus years experience and the King guide is something I could not do without. I would endorse Morgan's books anytime. Thank you for all the hard work in giving us something practical and well researched. When the law changed and you came out with the Reform Guide, I knew I had to have it. It helped me feel competent getting back to work.
- Marguerite Kirk , Esq. Fort Worth,TX Board Certified Business Bankruptcy American Board Bankruptcy Certification,
I really appreciate the great information you provide for us bankruptcy attorneys. As a solo, I don't think I would make it without your resources. Thank you! -
Alexis Crow, Esq. Charlottesville, VA
I need your highly recommended book sooner rather than later.
- Allan Pearlman, Esq. New York, N.Y.
Thanks for doing what you do. There's a tremendous need for it. I know of several atty's in my area who don't know (enough) about tax discharge. More EA's who practice representation need this knowledge as well. Our clients aren't effectively served if we don't present all their options.
- Lisa Sexton, E.A., Carlsbad, N.M.
Every serious bankruptcy practitioner should have this book!
Ike Shulman, former President of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, San Jose, CA
Any practitioner who does any degree of bankruptcy tax work or analysis would be crazy not to have this tax discharge treatise! I found it immensely practical, helpful, insightful, and comprehensive.
- Matthew Tozer, Esq.,Fullerton, CA
I have been a panel trustee for over 15 years, and I routinely attend the Southeastern conference in Atlanta and the NABT conferences. I have found your book to be extremely helpful. It is the best organized book of its type I have ever utilized. -
Thomas H. Fluharty, Chapter 7 panel trustee, Clarksburg, WV
Thank you for your response. I, as all in this field, truly appreciate your comments as the recognized expert in this difficult area. -
- Gerald H. Davis, San Diego
Mr. Morgan, the book was worth the wait!
Kenneth Allen
I have recently ordered some of your books, in particular, the one related to discharging taxes in bankruptcy. I appreciate the invaluable information you have given other attorneys. As a small ( 2 person office) it is very difficult to venture outside your comfort zone of area of practice. The books and especially the listserve help me to do that. I cannot thank you enough. -
Bob Ellis, Columbus Ohio
As a bankruptcy practitioner for fourteen years I can say beyond question that every bankruptcy practitioner should purchase this book. -
Michael Mehr, Santa Cruz, CA
One of the most helpful legal books I have ever read. It is concise, well organized, and full of practical information not available elsewhere. -
August Bullock, San Francisco, CA
As a tax lawyer, tax professor and tax author, I think your treatise is the best in its field.
- Kneave Riggal, South Pasadena, CA
Get the book to me on Wednesday! Please don't fail me!
- Frantic lawyer, Los Angeles, CA
The Franchise Tax Board's Insolvency Estate Unit will be using the book as a technical filed guide for the staff. We have recently placed an order for additional copies. -
Bill Moore, Calif. Franchise Tax Board, Special Procedures
I took the opportunity to plug your book to those in attendance, as I felt it was a necessary addition to the law library of anyone practicing in the area of bankruptcy and income taxes.
- Mark Segal, Las Vegas, NV
... have read and reread most of its material with great interest. Please accept my compliments on a thorough and professional treatise.
- Charles L. Pitcock, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.
I have used your book often and certainly consider you an authority on discharge of taxes in bankruptcy.
- Kenneth S. Rappaport, Boca Raton, FL
It is a wonderful desk book.
- Kenneth Klee, Los Angeles, CA.
I ordered the book last year and I was extremely impressed with it. I have recommended it to a number of attorneys as the only source of its kind I have found. As my present practice I find a large number of clients whose tax problems have been exacerbated by attorneys who fail to understand what your book explains in great detail. Even if an attorney does not practice in the bankruptcy area, he should be acquainted with your book as a service to his own clients.
- Don Hairgrove, La Mes, CA.
. . . so informative and well written that I spent half the night reading it and then the remaining half thinking over the issues. The lack of sleep for one night was a small price to pay for finding the answers to many of my questions.
- Frank Kloster, Santa Maria, CA
I would like to take a moment to thank you for the work you've done on your book Discharging Taxes in Bankruptcy. I have found it to be an eye-opener, and an indispensible piece of reference work. -
George Parker, Parker & Assocs., Decatur, GA.
What they say about
King's Guide to Practice Under
The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005
"I've utilized several different bankruptcy texts, treatises, etc., and none compare to yours, at least to satisfy my own comfort level. Thanks for putting such a quality product on the market."
- Steven R. Zweigart, Flemingsburg, Kentucky July 7 2008
"I just submitted an online order. Anything you can do to get it to me as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated. I do not feel comfortable starting to practice under the new law w/out reading your Guide, et al first. Thanks for all you're doing for bk practitioners"
- Mark F. Viencek, Rochester, NY
"Your Guide has been referred to as "My Bible" many times. The first guide went everywhere with me for almost a year -- except home to my parents for Christmas. "
- Barbara Janzen, Leawood, KS
"Your books have been a godsend." - Jordan Rappaport, Boca Tatan, FL.
"I don't want to fall behind in the new world of BAPCPA and, accordingly, go to the "master" to get my information which is always concise and well written. I, and many other practitioners, sincerely appreciate your publications and efforts."
- Gerald H. Davis, Bankruptcy Trustee, Palm Springs, CA
"I really appreciate the great information you provide for us bankruptcy attorneys. As a solo, I don't think I would make it without your resources. Thank you!"
- Alexis Crow, Charlottesville, VA
"I will forward you the email that was circulated on our listserve that said we were committing malpractice if we were filing bankruptcies without your guides!"
- Teresa Kidd, Shawnee, KS
"I can say that I have seen no other text on the new bankruptcy law that remotely comes close to yours in usability for bankruptcy practitioners."
- Gary R. Fraley, Sacramento, CA
"Kings Guide to BAPCPA has proven itself to be the most valuable resource in the office. Although I have taken 4 CLE courses to prep. for 10/17/05 and its aftermath,the book anticipated many of the rulings now coming down."
- William Wolfson, Flemington, NJ
"Your materials are essential to the practice of bankruptcy law under BAPCPA." - Robert W. Raley, Bossier City, LA
"I recommend your book to everyone. It is amazing what you have put in it!" - John Bates, New Philadelphia, OH
"The Guide is remarkably well done and comprehensive.". - George Arnold, Evanston, WY
"I received it today and began reading immediately. It is a wonderful manual and wish I had the foresight to have ordered it earlier."
David Zaffina, Hazel Park, MI
"I have been a practicing consumer bankruptcy lawyer for almost 20 years. When the 2005 BAPCPA law was enacted, I had almost come to the conclusion that my bankruptcy practice was over - the text of the new law is confusing, contradictory and often internally inconsistent. Morgan King's Guide to the 2005 BAPCPA is the main reason I am still in practice. Mr. King's Guide offers a step by step, practical roadmap for practice under the new laws. I refer to it constantly. I cannot see how any consumer bankruptcy law practitioner could possibly navigate the minefield of post-BAPCPA practice without this Guide. It contains checklists, spreadsheets, client handouts and substantive comment. I frequently teach continuing education seminars about bankruptcy to other lawyers and my first recommendation is to purchase Mr. King's Guide." - Jonathan Ginsberg, Atlanta, GA."
"King's Manual is a must. I read it cover to cover and should probably do it again." -
- David Shaev, N.Y., N.Y.
"Get Morgan's book on BARF. I wouldn't practice without it."
- Milton D. Jones, Morrow, GA.
The book really has saved me."
- Ron Satija, Austin, TX
"If you could, please overnight them! I have heard rave reviews from the folks on the NACBA list and I really could use all the help I can get with this new freaking law.. I have a few post-BARF cases I am starting to work on and I would 'prefer' not to screw up on my first filings."
- Shannon Foster, West Chester, PA
"I have yet to see anyone but you offer a good guide on how to gear up for the new law. I bought yours and thought it was very good, and have probably sold at least 5-10 via my endorsements and recommendations."
- James Cossitt, Kalispell, MT
"I was euphoric on how well the material is presented."
- Wayne Bodow, Syracuse, N.Y.
"You're getting unanimously wonderful feedback on your book!"
- Jed Berliner, Springfield, MA
"The book removes the fear . . . you've truly written a map. There's little left to chance. With the checklists and outlines, it's pretty difficult to miss something important and that provides a needed level of comfort."
- Adam Schachter, Houston, TX
"Morgan King (not-related and I don't get a commission) has put together an extremely useful guide to practice under the new law. It includes all kinds of wonderful checklists, sample agreements for services, sample handouts and other materials. And pretty much walks you through everything you need to do to be ready to practice under the new law. It costs a little less than $200 I think and is worth every penny of it. I commend it to your attention."
- Jerry Harper, Topeka, KS
"The "Guide to Practice" under BARF is a terrific book, very helpful, lots of checklists and suggestions, flow charts, etc."
- D. Jacobs, Chico Ca.
"Many thanks. Excellent book. Much more useful than any of the other BAPCPA manuals."
- George C. Heck, Old Lyme, CT
"The binder has been extremely informative in describing the drastic changes that will soon occur. I am glad that we purchased this binder."
- N. Siegel, Santa Ana, CA
"This book is an essential tool for all consumer bankruptcy lawyers."
- O. Max Gardner, Shelby, NC
"The new laws seemed intimidating before. After reading your guide, I am not too troubled by them."
- S. Lanin, NY NY
"... text seems very comprehensive and helpful."
M. Gunnar, Hilliard, OH
"I've found your guide very informative, and only apologize for not letting you know sooner. The guide will be instrumental in helping me prepare for the changes coming."
- S. Flood, Muskogee, OK
"I definitely like the stepwise approach to the manual. It makes for a nice progression and it is easy to stay oriented to the material and makes it easy to understand how and where existing practice will change."
G. Heck, New London, Connecticut
H. Goldstein, Sarasota, FL
"... very easy to read and follow."
D. Patrick, Lynnwood, WA
"I received Morgan's book this afternoon in a reasonable time after ordering. The flow charts, checklists, and disclosure statements alone will save my small office a lot of (nonbillable) time as we finalize preparations to deal with the new law. I strongly recommend it to you for your consideration. I have no financial interest in the book."
- Roger Cotner, Grand Haven, MI
"I will definitely buy your books as soon as they are available. I have bought some of your books before and I love them!"
- Modesto Lopez, Orlando, Florida
"Excellent job!"
- Mark Westbrooks, Phoenix, AZ
"I recently attended a panel put on by the chapter 7 trustees. Your presentation of the median income and means tests were much better than what was given to the Trustees."
- Anon. (for obvious reasons)
"The Guide to Practice Under the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 has been a tremendous resource. I am a new attorney who has been doing a self-tutorial on how to practice law in the bankruptcy field. Your guide has helped me a great deal."
- James Kennedy, Laconia, NH.
I have known and respected Morgan for around 30 years. He literally wrote the book on discharging taxes in bankruptcy cases. I have used his book regularly in my consumer bankruptcy practice and I have always found the answer to my question.
Morgan has a unique and relentless focus on discharging taxes in bankruptcy, with the result that he has taken this almost-impenetrable area of the law and made it accessible to regular consumer bankruptcy practitioners.
Over the years, I have consulted with him many times and each time he has been truly interested in the problem I brought to him and he has worked with me to reach a well-reasoned resolution of it. Morgan, whether in person, or in written form, is an invaluable resource for dealing with some of our clients' most-frightening debts,
Jim Gold, Esq.
Member, California Bar
Morgan King's Bankruptcy Academy offers an absolutely superb bankruptcy course that is second to none. Morgan explains bankruptcy in a detailed concise format that is easily understandable. As an attorney, I deeply appreciate Morgan's years of experience and professionalism, which allows him to fully articulate the nuts and bolts of a Bankruptcy practice. Morgan's course is vital for every bankruptcy attorney who aspires to be the best in his/her field."
Kelly Finley Nebiolini Esq., California
"Now I can use these deadlines in everyday practice and understand what it means to file before the automatic stay runs out etc without looking like a deer in the headlights."
- Rebecca Watters, paralegal, Orlando, Florida
"I feel so much more confident about taking on bankruptcy cases than before I started the course!"
Jennifer Filla Esq., Colorado Springs, CO
"Without a doubt the most useful legal course I have taken. Find that I am still a bit overwhelmed, difference is I know what needs to get done and in what order. I am very appreciative of the response to my questions and issues along the way. Well done Mr. King."
Gerald E. Roque
Houston, TX
"Outstanding! There are no other courses like this out there!"
Michael Alfano, Esq.Exeter NH
" ... I am really enjoying the course and wish I would have spent the money on this two years ago when I started rather than various other courses I
wasted my money on."
Chandra Apperson, Esq. Monterey, CA
"Outstanding! Content - great! Visuals are outstanding! Test is good learning device for recall."
Carol Cross Stone Esq., Long View, TX
"My firm, consisting of myself and my paralegal, decided to do bankruptcies when it became clear that there was a pressing need that was not being served in our community.
We bought the software and read the books, but then we got our first clients and we went to fill out the petitions and we were lost.
Your class saved the day! We filed our first case ever today, a fairly complicated 13, and we did so with confidence thanks to the knowledge we gained from the Bankruptcy Academy.
Your classes took the complicated mass of bankruptcy law and broke it down into manageable chunks."
Justin Kallal, Jackson, WY
Every piece of information has been content rich, easy to understand and has allowed me to take the information and apply it to the bankruptcy petitions I am working on right now.
Understanding the law behind the Bankruptcy Code rules and regulations make a huge difference when preparing petitions. Having the outlines and the practical examples, which take yo u through each schedule step-by-step, has been invaluable.
I'm stressed because there is lot's I have yet to learn but the course materials have made my life easier. I really want to get to the hands-on videos.
Jeannie, you did a GREAT JOB putting the course material together with Attorney King. I am so proud of you! I have recommended this course to several other VBA's I have spoken with."
Vivian Little
Certified Bankruptcy Assistant, Chicago, IL
"Compared to the various seminars / webinars offered by other organizations, the price is a bargain for the large number of hours of training and the additional resources. No matter how you look at it, 12 hours is a lot of training."
Louise Hurwitz,
Certified NSVBA
"I like your courses so much I'[m thinking of signing up all my company's staff for the group class."
Yordi Fraser, Certified Paralegal, Stamford, CT
"I found the first course very helpful. Although I am not the attorney, I am to be taking on a larger role of managing the BK division at the law firm and due to the number of clients I see on a daily basis, this is something that I find helpful."
Rob, Sobti Law Group, Beaumont, Orange, and Cornoa, CA
This is a wonderful course!
Arthur W. Chettle
San Diego, CA
The course has exceeded my expectations so far!!! I already told another attorney about the course.
Yordi Fraser
Stamford, CT
just finished the first three hours of your on-line course "Discharging Taxes In Bankruptcy." Also, I finished the first hour of the Certification course.
I am extremely pleased with the content of the course and the way you have presented it. The detailed analysis that you provided in the Discharging Taxes course was absolutely outstanding!! The visual aids were well constructed and very helpful. Next year I will be teaching a course on " Tax Aspects of Bankruptcy" and I intend to use your course and materials for 20 to 25% of this new course that I will be teaching here at the UMKC law school.
I intend to spread the word about the Bankruptcy Academy. I find the content to be invaluable---it is as must for those who intend to practice in this area.
Professor Ed Hood, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
Consumer bankruptcy lawyers all know Morgan King and his Bankruptcy Academy. For years, Morgan has honed his knowledge of discharging taxes in bankruptcy - and his studies have paid off. Morgan's not only one of the smartest tax/bankruptcy guys out there, but he's an incredible teacher. If you've heard him speak at the NACBA conferences you already know what I'm talking about.
Bankruptcy attorney Jay Fleischman, Brooklyn, NY
This is a must program! In fact, it was so good I'm seeing it again!
Bankruptcy attorney Antonio Villeda, McAllen,Texas
Both Amy and I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar. It's the only one I've found that actually allows me to learn something in my chosen field.
Bankruptcy attorneys N. D.,
Deininger & Wingfield, P.A., Little Rock, Arkansas
I thought I knew the subject. But when I took the Academy I realized how superficial my understanding had been. I left with a new confidence and a new competence I could not have gotten anywhere else.
Bankruptcy attorney Marlow Preston, Austin, Texas
I appreciate the invaluable information you have given other attorneys. As a small (2 person office) it is very difficult to venture outside your comfort zone of area of practice. I cannot thank you enough.
Bankruptcy attorney Bob Ellis, Columbus Ohio
It was great! I took both factual information and a real sense of confidence from the week. If you plan any seminars regarding other topics, I will be there.
Bankruptcy attorney Brian Zeiden, Los Angeles, California
This course is a MUST for consumer bankruptcy practitioners. Morgan and his expert speakers and the materials presented, provide excellent guidance and hands-on practical tips and advice that are immediately useful.
Ellen Stone, Managing Attorney, Law Offices of John Ventura, Brownsville, Texas
I have not seen anyone that provides more information and expertise than you. I am always very impressed with the extent of work, energy and expertise you bring to your seminars.
Bankruptcy attorney Marguerite Kirk, Bedford, TX
. . . the course was excellent and would take it again and bring my associate. Of course we would prefer to have it in the East, but I did enjoy San Francisco and the restaurant that you recommended.
Bankruptcy attorney Donald G. Koch, New York, NY.
I really enjoyed the program. I learned some new things and it reinforced what I had already learned from your web-site. One thing I'm excited about is that it opened up a prospective market for me that I had not yet recognized. I plan to market my services as a consultant to tax and bankruptcy attorneys in my state. Reading transcripts can be quite complicated for the inexperienced and preparing delinquent returns may sometimes be needed. With your book as a reference I will feel comfortable and conversant when speaking to other professionals.
Thanks for doing what you do. There's a tremendous need for it. I know of several atty's in my area who don't know (enough) about tax discharge. More EA's who practice representation need this knowledge as well. Our clients aren't effectively served if we don't present all their options....and know a bad attorney when we see one.
Enrolled Agent Lisa Sexton, Carlsbad NM
I just wanted to let you know that I thought your BK academy was terrific and very informative.
Bankruptcy attorney Martin A. Berger, Hilo, HI
I love your programs. Thanks for supporting the Debtors' bar over the years.
Bankruptcy attorney Steve Berken, Denver, CO
I've enjoyed being in your seminars in the past and have used the valuable knowledge you've imparted from them both in my everyday work and in the books I've contributed ...
Allan Rosenthal, paralegal, San Francisco CA
I wasn't able to be on the webinar, but have only heard great things about it.
Ed. Boltz, Esq. current President of NACBA