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Kristy Black

Bankruptcy Preparation Services


Kristy Black has owned and operated Bankruptcy Services a virtual bankruptcy paralegal service company since 2008. She is contracted by private attorneys nationwide as well as Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma.


Kristy integrates into the existing team at each firm not only to support the firm’s existing work, but to also serve as a resource that will allow each firm or solo practitioner to build capacity to grow their practice.


If you have any questions regarding how Bankruptcy Services could assist in supporting or increasing capacity for your bankruptcy practice, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kristy through email at or by phone at 904-903-1089.


Preparation of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases for filing.
Preparation of all forms required to commence a case:

Official forms: See Bankruptcy Rule 1007*

√ Petition Form 1
√ Statement of compensation
√ Pre-filing credit consulting statement
√ A  Schedule of assets and liabilities
√ B Schedule of current income and expenses
√ B 106(B) Exempt property
√ C. Schedule of executory contracts and unexpired leases
√ D. Statement of financial affairs
√ Copies of all payment advices within previous 60 days of filing case (paycheck stubs)
√ Last 4 digits of debtor's social security number
√ If a corporation, affidavit of board approval
√ Certification of completion of Financial Management Course
√ Motion for Approval of Reafirmation Agreement
√ Forms required by your local rules (if any)
√ Check for other forms as may be required

*For discussion of these requirements see, King, Fundamentals of Consumer Bankruptcy Law and Practice, at ¶ 9.1, and ¶ 9.1(b)


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