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Law Offices 925 829-6363



Many tax and bankruptcy Attorneys, as well as taxpayers, across the nation obtain Morgan King's tax-discharge evaluations and opinions, or invite Mr. King to associate on a problematic case with delinquent taxes.  To request Mr. King's services click Request Tax Opinion below. The King firm will promptly reply.

King's tax discharge and research services endeavor to assist attorneys, enrolled agents, and taxpayers explore solutions to delinquent tax problems.

Possible solutions include:

  • Discharge in bankruptcy

  • Offer-in-compromise

  • Innocent spouse

  • Payment plans

  • Collection Due Process appeals

  • Other feasible remedies


Click to access consulting forms


Consulting These forms are required only if you have retained Mr. King's office to assist you or your client. If you retain Mr. King to analyze taxes for bankruptcy discharge, or to associate Morgan King on a case, it will help considerably if you access King's forms at, typically such as Forms 8821, Tax History, Identity checklist, etc. If you do the Request For a Tax Opinion you will be advised as to which forms we will need.

Fill out the applicable forms online and "submit" ... they will be delivered to our office e-mail.

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